Air Conditioner, Heat Pump & Mini-split services are a call or click away!

A/C Service in Setauket is Just a Call Away

Summer in Setauket, NY is no joke, that’s why you need an air conditioning system that will efficiently and reliably cool your home every summer, no matter the weather. Central Air Systems is here to make sure that happens.

Our team of cooling system experts is ready to provide you with any A/C service you may need. From air conditioner pre-season maintenance to ductless mini-split replacement we are ready to help.

Call us today to schedule the cooling system services you need.

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372 Total Reviews /files//central_air_systems-logo-SM.jpg631-254-4900$22A Industrial Blvd Suite 2, Medford NY

Air Conditioner Pre-Season Service, Repair & Installation in Setauket

No matter what sort of air conditioner service you may need Central Air Systems is here to help you. Our team of air conditioner specialists is ready to provide you with expert pre-season maintenance & cleaning, repair, replacement, and new system installation.

If your A/C isn’t running like it used to call Central Air Systems to schedule a cleaning service visit, and if any repairs are needed we can take care of them too!

Lennox AC

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Lennox AC

Lennox air conditioners are some of the most efficient cooling systems on the market.

When repairs stop being as effective it might be time to replace your old cooling system with a high-efficiency Lennox air conditioner. Our team designs sizes and installs air conditioner systems to keep your home cool as efficiently as possible.

Call us today to get the A/C services you need.

A high efficiency air conditioner from Lennox will keep your home cool for years to come!

Setauket Cooling System Service is a Call Away

If you need air conditioner, heat pump or ductless mini-split services call Central Air Systems today! Our team of air conditioning system specialists is ready to help you with expert cleaning, pre-season maintenance, repair, replacement, and new installation.

We’ve got your cooling system covered! Give us a call today to schedule the air conditioning system services you need.

Staying cool all summer isn't difficult with Central Air Systems taking care of your AC system service needs! We are your local air conditioner, ductless mini split, and geothermal experts!

Heat Pump Services in Setauket

Are you looking for a new cooling system? Heat pumps are incredibly efficient and reliable A/C systems for our climate!

Heat pumps allow you to cool your home through the summer and heat during the winter! Call Central Air Systems today to get your heat pump estimate or schedule heat pump repair, pre-season maintenance, or replacement.

Setauket Ductless Mini-Split Services

Stop struggling with hot spot problems in your home with a ductless mini-split system from Mitsubishi or Daikin. Ductless mini-splits provide true zoning for your meaning that each room can be as cool as you’d like!

Start enjoying precise zoning today! Call Central Air Systems today to get your estimate on a mini-split system.

If you need ductless maintenance, repair, replacement or new installation get in touch with Setauket’s local mini-split experts at Central Air Systems.